WEDDED TO THE VIOLIN | Padma Shri A.Kanyakumari | Paid Web Streaming
Kumari A.Kanyakumari, one of the top most female violin Vidhmasinis of India. Be it is as a soloist or an accompanist or a guru or an innovator, this living legend is adept in surpassing her own precious bench marks. This dvd copiously unfurls both the finesse and the intricacies encompassed in THE KANYA STYLE of melodious playing and silken bowing which make the violin sing in her skillful hands.
Kumari A.Kanyakumari, one of the top most female violin Vidhmasinis of India. Be it is as a soloist or an accompanist or a guru or an innovator, this living legend is adept in surpassing her own precious bench marks. This dvd copiously unfurls both the finesse and the intricacies encompassed in THE KANYA STYLE of melodious playing and silken bowing which make the violin sing in her skillful hands.